Monday, November 30, 2020

Kamban's Hanuman metaphorical of Paramatman!

 What a metaphor Kamban sometimes chooses to indicate or connote or at least suggest The Transcendent Absolute !. Of course in Vedantic writings similes and examples are many which are used to explain Vedantic nuances. Say, 'the thread in darkness' or 'silver in nacre' or 'person in a pillar in dim light'. But Kamban is brilliant when he employs a new technique, a living character, an active soul to suggest the transcendent Brahman. And he chooses none other than Hanuman. How Hanuman can be used to suggest Brahman? When Hanuman jumps across the sea, his speed, his agility are very much evident in his being invisible to many. People, even great sages are at a loss to determine what is happening right before their eyes. It is only heresy when somebody tells you 'it is Hanuman in his mission going in such speed. So I have heard from reliable sources.' But can you at least infer from the resultant effects and activities that such a thing could have been possible? No no way. It eludes all known instances of perception. When perception is not there basically how can one employ inference, which is based basically on perception? So perception is of no help in this. And naturally inference is out of question. But what is this? The mystery alone is very palpable. Something is there, has occurred, but due to what? This mystery is so reminiscent of Vedantic analysis to Kamban and he in his genius employs this very similarity as serving both ways. Understanding Vedanta may help you in understanding Hanuman or understanding Hanuman may help you to know better your Vedanta.

There is one poem of Kamban, about which I am talking here.
'some someone said it is with form
some someone said it is just light
some someone said it is light but formless
some someone said it is jagat kanaranam
Ultimate Cause transcending the world
but creating and sustaining it;
and some some one said it is something else
all who said were great knowers of all the worlds
But all such have failed to ascertain
the state of Hanuman here.'
உரு என்றார் சிலர் சிலர்கள்;
ஒளி என்றார் சிலர் சிலர்கள்;
ஒளிரும் மேனி அரு என்றார்
சிலர் சிலர்கள்;
அண்டத்துக்கு அப்புறம் நின்று,
உலகை ஆக்கும் 'கரு' என்றார்
சிலர் சிலர்கள்;
'மற்று' என்றார் சிலர் சிலர்கள்;
கடலைத் தாவிச் செரு வென்றான்
நிலை ஒன்றும் தெரியகில்லார் -
உலகு அனைத்தும் தெரியும் செல்வர்.
(யுத்த காண்டம், மருத்துமலைப் படலம் )
When you can ascertain about God you can also know about Hanuman. Or when you can know about Hanuman you may get a clue about God. Is it what Kamban is trying to say? May be. May be not. How can I say when I do not know enough even this world?

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