Monday, March 30, 2020


What if we all meditate during this time,
thinking positive thoughts,
shedding off all feelings of hatred,
wishing for the welfare of the world !
Will it not be great to do it ?
Perhaps it will open in us
an inward path,
an inner door
all the time locked and not seen!
Perhaps a period of reset
of our emotions and stances
Perhaps we evolve spiritually
more into the higher stages
An Old Relative
whom we never visited
is waiting inside
in the heart of each one of us
now when we have all the time
at disposal sans exposure
when Time itself bends inward
forcing us as it were
to visit the Great Mother
deep into our hearts
who has been waiting ages
waiting for us to turn and see
Her graceful and benign watch.
Perhaps... we can meditate.
Mother please pardon us
and give your grace.
Srirangam Mohanarangan


Sunday, March 15, 2020

me and Self

A dark enclosure
me inside
nothing else around
a hole in the enclosure
opening out to the blue bright sky
contours of the hole
silhouetting the bluish bright beyond

Or a piece of round blue 'skyish' object
fixed on to the enclosure
if you want to be loyal to your perception.
Anyhow I have a choice, an option
if I say it is blue object round
I am dark enclosed and me inside
If I see the bright blue sky beyond
with the hole as just an 'upadhi'
a chance condition helping the appearance,

I am not inside, not out
but as space and sky
blue and formless
spread everywhere
as unseen and seeing eye;
I do have the option
which way I choose
the sky is there ever
the truth is here for ever

but of course I can choose
to be the enclosure and enclosed
dark with a bright blue round around
an option
I do have a choice
or do I

Srirangam Mohanarangan


Sunday, March 01, 2020

Details.. and details

Details. Is there perhaps a philosophy of details? Of course Soren Kierkegaard or Nietzsche might have told something. But the enormity of details and variations and variations even in those which are seemingly repeating. Why bother? Carry on... yea it is an option we can give to ourselves or at least imagine so. Or with the poet of ancient Tamil 'aestheticize' the problem with 'knowing you only finish by coming to know that there is yet to know'. Or with Nammalwar you can make a devotion on that 'within every hidden micro space within every subtle matter in that, He resides in full as if in the whole cosmos'.

Or to get the feel of wonder and fear at the same time on the phenomenon of details of this our world you can watch George Steiner how he is able to recreate in words chaos in cosmos or cosmos in chaos: