Thursday, November 26, 2020

On Tulsidas Sri Ramacharitamanas

 How poetic and critical at the same time, is Tulsidas! In the world usually poets celebrate their own compositions and become inebriated with pride over their own compositions, whereas in reality, their work may be very poor by all standards. But those people are really rare, who become so much joyful while hearing others' compositions and realise the great merits and features of others' poems. Our Rambhola, or Tulsidas employs one simile here to drive home this social criticism of literate people. - there are wells and rivers, which become so full and brimming in themselves when water is added to their own volume. But when other wonders of nature, however full or excellent they become, say for example in the sky, suppose the moon is full and so bright, no ! these wells and rivers are very mean-minded and wantonly they take no notice of any excellence or brightness or fullness of moon, which is so very visible right there up above in the sky. They turn blind to all such greatness on the part of others. They become brimming only when something is added to their own content. But see the ocean! Just at the sight of moon becoming full and all bright, the ocean becomes so jubilant and turbulent and brimming with waves of joy !.

'nija kabitta kEhi lAga na nIkA
sarasa hou athavA ati phIkA
jE para bhaniti sunata harashAhIn
tE bara purusha bahuta jaga nAhIn
jaga bahu nara sara sari sama bhAI
jE nija bADi baDahin jala pAI
sajjana sakruta simdu sama koI
dEkhi pUra bidhu bADai joI'
(Sri Ramcharitamanas, Balakanda, pp 31 Gita Press)

In the world of devotion 'Name of Bhagavan' is always viewed in superior light. 'Name' is always considered with preference compared to the 'Named'. It seems to be nearly universal in the world of mystics that Divine Name enjoys a very special status. May be it is the way of the heart.
But the world of Tattvajnana is different. It has its own worries. Whether Ultimate with Form or Ultimate without Form, what is final? To reach either different methods or different approaches, but what is easier or practicable? But Tulsidas seems to be of a different view. He says that more than 'That with Form' or 'That without Form', Name is superior to both. So resort to Name and install the Name in your tongue, which is like the passage way connecting the outer courtyard and the inner of a house. If your human being is like a house then that which connects your inner world and the outer world is your tongue. Tongue signifies words. Words are basic to Texts. Texts house the world of abstraction. So if you install the lamp of Name in the connecting passage viz., Tongue then you get both the worlds lighted. Not only that. Name alone will solve your problem of 'With Form' or 'Without Form', 'Divinely Characterized' or 'Beyond all Characteristics'. But immediately he seems to be doubly cautious and says 'Hey please don't rush to make a theory of what I say. I just expressed my liking or opinion. Thats all.'
'aguna saguna dui brahma sarUpa
akatha agAdha anAdi anUpA
morE mata badha nAmu duhU tE
kiE jEhin juga nija basa nija bUtEn
ubhaya agama juga sugama nAma tE
rAma nAma manidIpa dharu jIha dEharIn dvAra
tulasI bhItara bAherahun jaun cAhasi ujiAra
(SriRamacharitamanas, Balakanda, pp 48, 49, 50 Gita Press)
Srirangam Mohanarangan

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