Imagine you are going to a remote village. There you come across one innocent person, whom even the locals treat as a simpleton. What will be your reaction towards him and his gestures and expressions. He will appear totally queer and you will look at him with all sympathy, because you have heard that he is quite artless and innocent and even mad seen in practical terms and not only that on seeing directly and forming initial opinions you also come to like conclusions about him.
But suddenly while talking to him and reading into his communications you all of a sudden realise that somehow he had been to the best scientific research institution and knows about the modern physics theory of multiverse. How did he come to know that? How did he first of call go there? But confidently he says and tries to explain to you in his own bizarre, uneducated and illiterate tongue. You can only laugh at his expressions, which are very local and slang and worth all ridicule. But you feel there is a ring of truth in his claims and that he is terribly sincere both in his claims and also in his reporting. JUST think about your own reactions at this moment and retain that impression fast in your mind. You will need it for something else.
That mad man of Dakshineswar, that Chota Chatterji, who had been a priest of Kali temple there, would have created exactly like impressions on the mind of the young modern boy of Calcutta, Noren, or Narendranath. And what would have been the mindset of Narendra at that moment and many years following before he was able to see the full personality of the villager.
It is a short story in itself !
We can derive immense benefit only by understanding Sri Ramakrishna. But mostly we exhaust ourselves by worshiping and prayers. Not that such worship should not be done but understanding him more and more is what is needed if we want to transform really. By saying that he was God Incarnate we can scarcely understand him. We have to take him as a man and approach him and fail in that attempt. Otherwise simply saying that he was God and he came to fulfill a mission and whatever he did it was only a drama - all these mythologizing and hagiography will not take us anywhere