To speak of abstractions is good. But life happens to run on details. That too daily, domestic concerns and cares.
We are impelled to actions more out of necessity than out of intellectual commitment. Human being is an acting being as much as a willing being, as much as a knowing being. To know, to will and to act form the three facets of the self-same soul.
Jnathruthvam - the faculty of knowing; karthruthvam -- the faculty of acting; bhogthruthvam -- the faculty of enjoying
describe the three facets of the Soul. These three facets form the basic psychology of any individual. So any spiritual practice must incorporate in itself different strands of these triads. Hinduism has devised four such modus operandi -- viz., the four Yogas -- the Jnana Yoga, the Karma Yoga, the Bhakthi Yoga and the Raja Yoga or the psychological Yoga proper.
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