Friday, October 06, 2023

Sages Seven by seven Sri Ramayana

Being an enthusiast in narratives about Rama from my childhood and also being a critical reader of the books old or new, I was astounded to come across a beautiful composition in Sanskrit, in seven slokas, the entire Ramayana, by seven Rishis. Why I call this composition beautiful is for the reason that not only what should be stated is beautifully done but also what should be better left out is beautifully done. It is beautiful in both ways - in stating and in not stating. Such a selectivity bespeaks a real poetic mind behind. Of course you can understand why I am thrilled by this if you see my mental background, which I have written here.

This sloka 'Saptarshi Ramayanam' was well known in yesteryears. But modern age is slowly (or fast) forgetting wonderful things of mind and heart. So to reclaim in a very small way comes this exercise. This sloka is very pleasant to read and it is to me a sufficient Ramayana to meditate. 

Seven Rishis have each made in essence, each one Kanda of the seven kandas of Sri Ramayana. The seven Rishis are Kasyapa, Atri, Baradwaja, Visvamitra, Gautama, Jamadagni, Vasishta. 
Kasyapa for Balakanda, Atri Ayodhyakanda, Baradwaja Aranyakanda, and so respectively each Rishi has essenced in a sloka very beautifully each Kanda of Sri Ramayana. Shall we start with Kasyapa? 

Kasyapa - Balakandam

jAta: sriraghunayakO dasarathAn munyAsrayAt tAtakAm
hatvA rakshita kausika kratuvara: krutvApi ahalyAm subhAm |
bhanktvA rudra sarAsanam janakajAm pANau gruhItvA tatO
jitvArdhAtmani bhArgavam punaragAt sItAsamEta: purIm ||

Meaning : 

Sri Rama was born as the great leader of Raghu clan as the son of Dasaratha. He became the disciple of Sage Visvamitra and killed the demon Tataka and protected the yagna of Visvamitra. Then Sri Rama made the life of Ahalya wholesome. Afterwards he broke the Rudra bow, took Janaka's daughter in marriage. On returning back he won over the Bhargava Rama and along with Sita reached back Ayodhya. 

Atri - Ayodhyakandam 

dAsyA mantharayA dayArahitayA durbhEditA kaikayI 
srirAma prathamAbhishEka samayE mAtApi ayAchat varau |
bhartAram bharata: prasAstu dharaNIm rAmO vanam gacchatAt
ityAkarnya sachOttaram na hi dadau dukkhEna mUrcchAm gata: ||

Meaning - 

At the first coronation of Sri Rama, at that time because of vicious goadings by the maid-servant, devoid of any kindness, even though Kaikeyi was a mother, she did ask two boons from her husband. Bharata should rule the land, Rama should go to the forest. Hearing this, the husband swooned in severe sorrow, unable to give any reply. 

Bharadwaja - Aranyakandam 

srI rAma: pitrusAsanAt vanamagAt saumitrI sItAnvitO 
gangAm prApya jatAm nibaddhaya saguha: sacchitrakUtE vasan | 
krutvA tatra pitrukriyAm sabharatO datvA s bhayam dandakE 
prApyAgastya munIsvaram taduditam dhrutvA dhanuschAkshayam || 

Meaning - 

Obeying the orders of his father, Sri Rama went to the forest along with Lakshmana and Sita. Arriving at Ganges, he donned himself in jatai and lived in Chitrakuta in the company of Guha. There he did the final post-death rites to his father along with Bharata. He gave the token of Abhayam to Bharata. Then he reached Dandaka and went to Agastya. From him he attained the unbeaten bow. 

Viswamitra - Kishkindakandam 

gatvA panchavatIm agastya vachanAt datvA s bhayam mauninAm 
chitvA sUrpaNakhA s sya karNayugalam trAtum samastAn munIn | 
hatvA tam cha karam suvarNahariNam bhitvA tathA vAlinam 
tArAratnam avairi rAjyam akarOt sarvam cha sugrIvasAt || 

At the behest of Agastya Sri Rama went to Panchavati and there gave solace to the sages. Cutting the nose and the two ears of Surpanaka, Sri Rama protected all the sages. Killing  Kara and hunting the golden deer, Sri Rama vanquished Vali who was the jewel of Tara and made the region enemy-free for Sugriva, by vouchsafing everything unto his full control. 

Gautama - Sundarakandam 

dUtO dAsarathE: saleelam udadhim tIrtvA hanUmAn mahAn 
drushtvA s sOkavanE sthitAm janakajAm datvA s ngulE: mudrikAm | 
akshAdIn asurAn nihatya mahatIm lankAm cha dagdhvA puna: 
srI rAmam cha samEtya dEva jananI drushtA mayA iti abravIt || 

Meaning - 

As the messenger of Dasarathi (Sri Rama), the great Hanuman crossed over the turbulent waters of the sea. Hanuman saw the daughter of Janaka (Sita) stationed in Asoka forest and gave her the ring, given as the signet by Rama. Killing the demons like Aksha, Hanuman set the gigantic Lanka to furious fires. After that Hanuman returned back to Sri Rama and told him 'Oh my Lord! Seen by me is Mother Sita'. 
Jamadagni - Yuddhakandam 
rAmO baddha payOnidhi: kapivarai: vIrai: nalAdyai: vrutO 
lankAm prApya sakumbhakarNatanujam hatvA raNE rAvaNam | 
tasyAm nyasya vibhIshaNam punarasau sItApati: pushpakA- 
rUDa: san puramAgata: sabharata: simhAsanastO babhau || 

Meaning - 

With the help of ape-warriors like Nila, Sri Rama checked the force of the sea and by bridging over reached Lanka. Sri Rama vanquished Ravana along with his brother Kumbakarna and his son Indrajith, in the war. After that Sri Rama installed Vibhishana as the ruler of Lanka. As the Lord of Sita, Sri Rama returned back in Pushpaka vimana and along with Bharata as the Prince, Sri Rama adorned the throne. 

Vasishta - Uttarakandam 

srIrAmO hayamEdha mukhya makhakrut samyak prajA: pAlayan 
krutvA rAjyam athAnujaischa suchiram bhUri svadharmAnvitau | 
putrau bhrAtrusamanvitau kusalavau samstApya bhUmandalE 
sO s yOdhyApuravAsibhischa sarayUsnAta: prapEdE divam || 

Meaning - 

Sri Rama conducted the important rites of sanctification for the KIngdom, Asvamedha. He protected all the people in sufficient ways. Sri Rama maintained well the country along with his brothers. Seeing that his two sons have become well qualified to rule, Sri Rama installed them along with the sons of his brothers in various parts of the vast Empire. After that, towards the last, Sri Rama along with the citizens who were unable to bear his bereavement, entered the Sarayu river as the holy bath preamble to reach the highest Abode of the Traanscendent. 

All Rishis in unison - Blessings 

srIrAmasya kathAsudhAti madhurAn slokAn imAn uttamAn 
yE sruNvanti pathanti cha pratidinam tE s aghaugha vidhvamsina: | 
srImantO bahuputrapautra sahitA bhuktvEha bhOgAmschiram 
bhOgAntE tu sadArchitam suraganai: vishNO: labhantE padam || 

Meaning - 

Excelling the elixir amruta in bliss, this wonderful and pleasant story of Sri Rama, whoever reads these supreme seven verses or hears these read every day, that person gets purified and all her/his thick sins are destroyed instantly. And that person becomes immensely rich and along with many children and grandchildren that person enjoys all good pleasures sufficiently here. At last, that person also reaches the Highest Abode of Vishnu, who is always surrounded by prasing Gods. 

(There are some variations in words, of course very minor, in different printed texts. For example, in the first sloka, whether it is 'ardhAtmani' or 'ardhAdhvani'? It seems a good pun to take 'ardhAtmani' since Parasu Ram has in him the part Ram. Or if you prefer 'dhvani' may be it alludes to the twangling of the bow string that is heard on Parasuram's approach.) 
Srirangam Mohanarangan 


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