Now let us take the basic thing. What do we mean by nature? Based on science we can only mean evolution, in which the creatures have come before us in the series or sequence. The human being is not at all an intruder like the opinion-holders seem to believe implicitly. We have not come from somewhere external. But we are quite as authentic as any other creature and we are part of this evolutionary process. All creatures which have come before us have been fighting for their survival or serving the needs by instincts in mutual contexts. Each species was having some survival skills and tool-kits to help their existence. Lives of the foregone shaping the choices and skills of the following. The human being should be understood in this dynamic chain of existence and the human being is as much a rightful member of nature as any other species or creature. So when we talk, 'this world belongs to that creature or this creature', we should not forget that this world equally belongs to human beings. Human beings are as natural as any singing bird or swimming fish or roaring wild animal or moving reptile. Just like all those creatures have their own survival skills like massive body, or strong physique or extra coat of skins or capacity to fly or be in water for endless periods, human beings who were deprived by nature of all those similar skills and in its stead the human beings began to develop the mental faculty, permitted by nature. Note well the clause 'permitted by nature'! It was nature which put compulsions on the homo sapiens to develop the brain and the mind, as survival skills to further the human living. So the human beings need not feel guilty about themselves and by no stretch of imagination need they yield their status as equally authentic beings of nature, having all the rights of living and the duty to preserve the human life, just as any other creature is deemed to be having preemptively.
The point is not any fight with the animals as such. The animals don't blabber bromides like 'this is ours; you are all intruders'. It is only human beings who are capable of using their own capacity for concept-formation in a self-destructive way. How people use their rhetoric to preemptively subvert the natural place of human living is the question. There is no second thought about caring for animals, whether commonplace or rare. It is the manifestation of being fully human. But the logic should never be perverted so as to convert our very existence as a cause of guilt. That the human being understands other beings and their existence and actively promotes coexistence with them, bespeak of the human being's mentally self-generated process of evolving spiritually, perhaps replacing the laborious process of evolution of nature which was the modus operandi in the foregone periods. And it is only perversion of the same human faculty of mind, to convert the natural activity of the human being into a cause of guilt. Whereas it is only the human being who is trying to make this planet convenient for all types of beings, reclaiming them from the blind processes of nature that have been controlling their fates so far. So next time, when you are tempted to spurt out the opinion, 'why.. this world belongs to them. ' just remember that you as a human being of nature and evolution, is one of that 'them'.
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