Saturday, August 31, 2019

Nietzsche! you may frown

Nietzsche! you may frown
But let me speak my mind now
I overheard the morning Sun
Self-repeating the evening Sun :
'I don't shine for you to praise,
neither for anybody to appraise
I just am the way I am Zaratushtra !
I neither rise up in the morn
Nor go down in the even,
Nor I go anywhere to the darker half
To make my shine in any way useful;
Beings and things rotate around me,
part time in light, part time in darkness.
Beings are yet to become fully of light;
Perhaps they need darkness as much as light;
Whatever, please act not under apparent sight;
When you know what you can know
there the light of knowledge shines;
when you know not what you cannot
there the light of ignorance shines.'
Nietzsche! you may frown
But I have spoken what was in my mind. 

This was written in reference to the opening section of Nietzsche's 'Thus Spake Zarathushtra'. 

some after thoughts - 

Poetry and Philosophy are perhaps the same Consciousness of opposite vectors. Poetry across sensuous reaches the transcendental. Philosophy translates the transcendental in terms of the sensuous. Or you may have it the other way also. - Poetry suggests the transcendental in the context of the sensuous and Philosophy makes sensational the transcendental

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