The person came to the Sabha and bowed before the King and said forgetting the exact words 'Let you be three hurdles!'
What will happen? Dare any person on the face of the King say that the King be three hurdles! Poor man he forgot the exact wordings - Let you be free of Three hurdles. The King became furious and was about to order something dangerous. But the presence of mind of Kalidasa ! Kalidasa told the King 'Oh Great Emperor of the world! The poor man has said only blessings on you but he has been too economical with his words. Some poets happen to be like that. You see what he said 'Let you be three hurdles" Yea when you sit on the throne he wishes you to face often the hurdle of standing up and welcoming extraordinary scholars to your court. That means he wishes for you the abounding of world-renowned scholars in your court. It is a blessing really even though it is worded as hurdle. It is a welcome hurdle.
And again, while eating he wishes you to face often the hurdle of being disturbed by the pranks of your children, rising up on your laps, snatching your morsels of food, taking sweets away from your plates and eating themselves. Again this hurdle is a blessing in reality. This person wishes such a hurdle for you.
Again in your bed you must be disturbed by your wife and thereby you must lose your sleep in dallying of pleasure. Again is it not a welcome hurdle, a real blessing?
So it is we who must read this person in the right way.'
Wow.. the person got rewarded in extra.
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