Flowers are so lovely to behold.
Earth seems to smile at us, being touched by the rays from the sky.
Colours sing with a fragrance.
The contours of petals wink at us with a violent goodliness of heart.
We can ask the bee its opinion
vagrant and sweet,
like a king or differ from it
like God.
But a flower, the earthly smile at the divine,
teases always our eyes
and also our noses
but teaches our mind
again and again
notes of divinity.
I am musing on reading
these lines of Havelock Ellis
on flowers and God :
' Flowers are of all things most completely
and profusely the obvious efflorescence
of loveliness in the whole physical
Gods are of all things the
most marvellous efflorescence of the
human psychic world.
These two Lovelinesses,
the Loveliness of Sex and the
Loveliness of Creation, bring the whole
universe to two polar points, which yet
are in the closest degree resemblant and
And perhaps it is because
men and women are in function flowers
and in image gods that they are so
fascinating, even enwrapped in the rags,
physical and metaphysical,
which sometimes
serve but to express the Flower-
God beneath.'
Flower to the Divine...
there flows my mind.
Srirangam Mohanarangan
Very excellent explanation
ReplyDeleteNice work. Happy Pongal