Saturday, October 23, 2021

Why do you write what you write

Why are you always writing on religious themes? You are only worldly. do you profess any practice on any faith? - some friend was asking me out of concern. Yea that is right. I do not profess anything except that I am devoted to Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, SriAurobindo, Mother and... Of course I am a simple Hindu and I am interested in various thought-systems and modern science is of such an interest to me. But it is true I do not have anybody's book of instructions for my life including that of Sri Ramakrishna. If he comes out and say that I am not in his list, I will not be having any claim to make one. Why I say this is what the friend was asking is true. Not being fixed to anywhere has its own butter side and also its raw side. But why I like writing about what I do write has no reason I think except I do like writing about something which I like. Sorry I do not mean to confuse you but it stands miserably at that. I can write about many other things, all remote and strange to general interest, like Indo-European linguistics, the commentaries of Syriac, Hebraic and Arabic authors on Aristotle, the subject of praxeology in connection with the treatises of Purva MImamsa, the philosophical developments of Eastern Europe, the poetical traditions of nearly very many lands and so on. In addition I feel I have something to say by way of my own philosophy. I have become poor by my rich interests, which will be boredom to others. Even my close friends have developed strategies of escape due to these interests of mine. Of course poetry does not need anybody to share with. But there also I was lucky in having my Professor of collegiate days as the close sharing party to talk to. Even that chance was snatched away of late. So why do I write what I do is a difficult question for me. What to do? Sometimes answers are difficult, sometimes questions. But in reading and understanding and doing your private study, you need not face anybody's questions, except the eternal questions which the universe is not tired of raising and facing such questions are moments of thick vividness. So the question why I am writing... yea.
Srirangam Mohanarangan

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