A pot!
Does it have a mouth to praise
God's glory?
does it have the heart to think of Thee
O Lord!
Can it come to you in the morn and even
and worship you?
Does it have a body?
O Aranga! You are the Lord of the Town
surrounded by ponds
teeming with
large blossoms in array;
Tell me please!
when Dadhipaanda (curd-pot seller)
met you then
how on that day
his pot also got liberation?
A pot!
Does it have a mouth to praise
God's glory?
does it have the heart to think of Thee
O Lord!
Can it come to you in the morn and even
and worship you?
Does it have a body?
O Aranga! You are the Lord of the Town
surrounded by ponds
teeming with
large blossoms in array;
Tell me please!
when Dadhipaanda (curd-pot seller)
met you then
how on that day
his pot also got liberation?
A pot!
(Tr from Pillaip Perumalaiyengar)
(Tr from Pillaip Perumalaiyengar)