Sunday, December 04, 2016

Srimad Vedanta Desika on twilights

Twilight-reddish waist-cloth of Sri Ranganatha enchants Thiruppanazhwar in his poem Amalanathipiran. The colour of the waist-cloth is reddish like the twilight sky.

Which twilight? Morning or evening? 'Both twilights' so saith Srimad Vedanta Desika in his commentary on this poem. The morning twilight-red indicates the dawn of knowledge prior to the God-realisation. The evening twilight-red indicates the flood of love streaming forth after the Realisation. Both hues of reddish-twilight exemplify the waist-band cloth of Our Lord. 

How beautiful this explanation !

’அந்திபோல் நிறத்தாடையும்’
