Sri Ramakrishna wrought many miracles. Not the miracles of matter but the miracles of comprehensive understanding and empathetic integration. He took the directness of feeling from the paths of faith and combined it with the broadness of engaging in diverse discourse of the philosophical scholarship. And he made the welded way not a front of debate but a market of engaging appreciation and involved conversation. His very deceptive simplicity in what he has done unprecedentally is very much intriguing. It takes a long meditation to break his simple codes. Vive la Kali!
(From the Observations of Srirangam V Mohanarangan)
Have you ever stopped and thought about 'what is pleasure? what is enjoyment? joy? happiness?' How pleasure and thought tie up?
A very interesting discussion is here in this conversation between J Krishnamurthy and Mr Anderson.
My book in Tamil on Bhagavath Vishaya, viz., 'பகவத் விஷயத்தை எண்ணும் போது' is coming out in a short time. I have written this dedication page in that --
"யாரைக் கற்கும் போது
எந்த விஷயம் புரிய வருகிறது என்பது
அறிவின் தேட்டத்தில் விந்தையான கணம்தான்.
உண்மையில் ஆசிரியர்கள்.
அயின் ரேன்டைப் படிக்கும் போது
அரிஸ்டாடில் புரிந்தது;
அரிஸ்டாடிலில் ஆழும் போது
விசிட்ட அத்வைத தர்சனம் புரிந்தது;
எனவே யாருக்கு அர்ப்பணிப்பது?
அந்த யவனாசிரியருக்கா?
அல்லது அயினாசிரியைக்கா?"
Translated it runs thus --
It is a strange moment to say,
What subject we come to understand,
When? Reading whom?
Studying something seemingly different?
Who makes us understand,
They are the Masters, really;
Reading Ayn Rand,
I came to understand Aristotle;
Delving into Aristotle,
Visishtadvaita Darsana became clear; whom am I to dedicate?
To the Master from Ionia?
Or to the teacher Ayn?

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